Pick up a pen and come participate in creating visual writing with Leanne Bridgewater
Visual Writing allows your mind to doodle and your imagination to flow. The more messy your handwriting… the better! Words don’t have to be words, they can morph into animals, faces, cars… whatever and wherever the pattern takes us.
Pick up a pen and come participate in creating visual writing with Leanne Bridgewater. Together we will transform the windows of the Shop Front Theatre into an explosive doodle pad for thought, patterns, poetry and shapes.
Leanne is a poetist with an overly active imagination when it comes to patterns. Before moving to Coventry in 2013 she created some of her biggest projects to date, studying an MA in Creative Writing at Salford University. These projects included creating a three thousand word sentence, a dictionary of 12000 made-up words and an eight foot obelisk that was hammered, cut and dismantled during a live performance.
Her work has a keen interest in the term Pareidolia (Seeing faces within patterns) which is where her inspiration for Visual Writing originates. Her poetry has been shortlisted for the 2015 Melita Hume Poetry Prize and her debut collection ‘Confessions of a Cyclist’ has recently been published by Knives Forks and Spoons Press. This collection is based on cycling around Coventry. This is the first time Leanne has presented visual writing in Coventry and it’s possibly the first time visual writing has ever been offered as a creative exercise to the people of Coventry.