Dunnett has attempted to recreate her grandfather’s Victory Garden, which once grew on the banks of Loch Long in Scotland.
Dunnett has attempted to recreate her grandfather’s Victory Garden, which once grew on the banks of Loch Long in Scotland. The Lost Garden is a series of unfixed lumen prints. Traces of the fruit, flowers and vegetables that her grandfather tended recorded on photographic paper. This technique is fragile; the prints will fade with time, like Dunnett’s childhood memories and those of her father who is living with Alzheimer’s.
Caitriona Dunnett is an Irish artist based in Warwick. Her practice investigates memory and its subjective, personal and forgotten narratives, looking at landscape and nature, manifested through alternative processes.
Recent exhibitions included RBSA Photography Prize, RUA RED Winter Open, Coventry Biennial, Spotlight Leamington Spa Gallery and Museum, ESPY Photography Award, Custom House Studios and Gallery, FOTOLIMO Festival and Impressions Biennial.
She was awarded an Agility Award, Arts Council Ireland, an Analogue Photography Grant, the Richard and Siobhán Coward Foundation, a DYCP Award, Arts Council England, an AN Artist Bursary, a Grain Photography Hub Bursary, a Grants for the Arts Award, Arts Council England and in partnership with Dr Hilary Bishop a Leverhulme Small Research Grant. She was selected for AA2A residency at Coventry University and PhotoIreland's New Irish Works programme.
She has a BA Hons in Photography from Nottingham Trent University and a MFA in Photography from Rhode Island School of Design. My work was published by PhotoIreland, featured in Black & White Photography Magazine and online with the Irish Times, Atlas Obscura and Photomonitor.
She was commissioned by Coventry Artspace as part of its Artist On My Street programme. Creative Black Country and Live & Local also commissioned her to run cyanotype projects and have taught workshops at Coventry University and the Leamington Spa Art Gallery and Museum. She is currently participating in the East Meets West Masterclass programme run by Grain Projects, Format and the Quad Derby.