For this new exhibition Moments of Broken Promises, Michael has chosen to create large-scale works on plywood panels inspired by Grimm’s Pied Piper, which reflect his developing interest in the use of colour.
Michael Snodgrass (aka Snod) is an artist known for his strong monochrome drawings utilising line and texture.
For this new exhibition Moments of Broken Promises, Michael has chosen to create large-scale works on plywood panels inspired by Grimm’s Pied Piper, which reflect his developing interest in the use of colour. The finished pieces will transform the exhibition space into a dark, distorted fairy tale that explores isolation, vulnerability and what makes each of us unique.
Michael has a strong interest in sequential story-telling, comics and large scale images he is influenced by fairy tales, folk costume, unruly fashion and costume design, fantastical cinema, science fiction and graphic novels. Previously, for Shoot Festival 2019, he presented a sprawling 4.5 metre dystopian style drawing of Hansel & Gretel.